
CALI Europe and CALI Europe Succursale France, hereinafter "CALI Europe", has introduced a claims policy in order to meet the expectations and needs of its customers.
CALI Europe advises anyone who has made a claim verbally or via the instant messaging service, and who therefore does not have a dated copy of their claim, to formally express their dissatisfaction in a written claim if the response given to their initial claim was not entirely satisfactory.
Claims concerning any policy taken out with CALI Europe may be submitted to CALI Europe directly by post at the following address:
- for CALI Europe: CALI Europe, Service Relations Clients, BP 925, L-2019 Luxembourg, or by fax on the following number: + 352 26267069 or via the following email address:
- for CALI Europe Succursale France: CALI Europe, 16-18 boulevard de Vaugirard – 75015 Paris or via the following email address:
It is advisable to specify as accurately as possible the reasons for the claim and give the number of the Policy under which the claim is made.
CALI Europe will confirm receipt of the claim within ten (10) working days of the ending date(1) and reply to the claimant within thirty (30) days of the same date.
When a response cannot be provided within this time frame, CALI Europe will inform the claimant of the reasons for the delay and give a date when its assessment is likely to be completed.
In addition to the option of filing any claims or grievances with us, you can also appeal to the Commissariat aux Assurances (the Luxembourg Insurance Commission) if you have not received a response or a satisfactory response. To find out how to take your case to the Commissariat aux Assurances, click here.
You may also contact the authority responsible for receiving complaints from policyholders/insured persons in your country of residence or in Luxembourg (except for policies taken out with the French branch):
To find out how to make a claim in different countries, click on the concerned country.
The procedure is only available if no action has been initiated or taken before or during the intervention of the supervisory authority or mediator and after the internal remedies have been exhausted.
However, pursuing any of these channels does not prevent you in any way, from exercising your rights before the competent courts.
(1)With the postmark constituting proof.