
Do you need information about your policy or CALI Europe solutions?

Please contact your adviser, who will be happy to help you.



Do you have questions about a policy or a transaction?

Please get in touch with your usual CALI Europe contact or send your request to the following email address :



If you have a dispute or complaint, please visit the « Amicable Resolution of Disputes» page.

Complaints concerning any policy taken out with CALI Europe may be submitted to the company directly by post at the following address:

  • for CALI Europe: CALI Europe, Service Relations Clients, BP 925, L-2019 Luxembourg or by fax on the following number: + 352 26267069 or via the following email
  • for CALI Europe’s French branch: CALI Europe, 16-18, boulevard de Vaugirard – 75015 Paris or via the following email address:

To view CALI Europe’s complaints and disputes policy, click here.