Disclaimer and terms and conditions

The website cali-europe.com is published by the life insurance company CALI Europe S.A. with capital of €127,311,135.72. CALI Europe is a Luxembourg life insurance company, registered with the Trade and Companies from Luxembourg Commercial Register under No. B 75007, and with its registered office at 9 allée Scheffer, Building C, L-2520 Luxembourg, BP 925, L-2019, (+352) CALI Europe has a subsidiary in France : CALI Europe Succursale France, located at 16-18 boulevard de Vaugirard, 75015 Paris, (+33)(0) CALI Europe is approved for the exercise of insurance classes I, II, III, VI and VII. CALI Europe is subject to supervision by the Luxembourg supervisory authority of the insurance industry: the Commissariat aux Assurances, located at 11 rue Robert Stumper, L-2557 Luxembourg (commassu.lu).
Web hosting by Hosteam, subsidiary of the Cyrès Group, 19 rue Edouard Vaillant, 37000 Tours (+33)(0) Design and development by communication agency Vanksen 7 rue des Mérovingiens, Hermès Center, L-8070 Bertrange. (+352)
The purpose of the website cali-europe.com is to provide general information about CALI Europe and its business. It is not intended for online conclusion of insurance contracts or the execution of transactions involving insurance or capitalisation contracts. Any products mentioned are intended to be presented by licensed insurance agents, authorised by CALI Europe to offer these products, and do not in any way constitute a direct commercial offer, direct sales, or recommendations. By continuing to use this website, users expressly and unreservedly accept the following terms and conditions.
All the information on the website cali-europe.com is provided for informational and general purposes only and in no way constitutes legal or personalised advice. With respect to information from a legal source, regardless of the government from which it originates, it is reminded that only the original version of a text that is officially published shall prevail. CALI Europe strives to provide reliable and accurate information. However, CALI Europe does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the content of the cali-europe.com website, or that the information on the website is up-to-date. CALI Europe shall not be held liable for any errors contained in this information nor for any damages that may result. Nor can the Company be held liable for any amendment to legal provisions of whatever nature that arise subsequent to publication on this website. The users are solely liable for any decision taken on the basis of information contained on this website or on external sites to which it links, of which they are the sole judge in light of their personal circumstances. CALI Europe shall not be held liable in any way whatsoever for the consequences of decisions taken by the users. CALI Europe reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to modify the content and functionality of the website and its conditions of use.
Users must ensure that the regulations that apply to them, based on their residence, citizenship, or any other relevant criteria, authorise the use of this website. CALI Europe strives to provide the users with continuous access to the website. However, CALI Europe is not liable for any downtime, network failures or restrictions on access. The website may provide links to external websites, including through hyperlinks. CALI Europe does not guarantee or assume any liability for the integrity, reliability and content of the sites to which it is linked. Users are solely liable for the use of these external websites.
Personal data
Since 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been applicable in all member countries of the European Union. The information on the Protection of personal data implemented by CALI Europe is presented in the Notice "PROTECTION OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA - GDPR". In order to facilitate our navigation, we provide links to other websites for which CALI Europe is not responsible for their full compliance with public order and good morals on the one hand, nor for their policy on the protection of personal data or the use that would be made of it on the other. By accessing another site, via a hypertext link, you accept all the consequences. CALI Europe cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from your access to another site linked by a hypertext link.
A cookie is a small text, image or software file containing information which is recorded on the hard disk of your terminal (e.g. computer, tablet, smartphone or any device enabling you to browse the Internet) when you visit a website with your browser software. It is transmitted by the server of a website to your browser. Information on CALI Europe's Cookie Policy can be found on our dedicated page: https://www.cali-europe.com/en/cookies-policy.
The website cali-europe.com is available in several languages. In the event that the terms and formulations used in a version other than the French version should change the meaning of the information provided or create ambiguity or inconsistency, the French version of the website cali-europe.com will prevail.
Intellectual property
This website was designed and created by CALI Europe, in collaboration with Vanksen communication agency. The entire website cali-europe.com and its contents (including but not limited to trademarks, logos, text, images, tree structure and visual identity) falls under Luxembourg law on copyright and intellectual property. These contents are the exclusive property of their respective authors and may not be reproduced, distributed or rebroadcast in whole or part, on any medium whatsoever, for any other than private use without the express advance agreement of CALI Europe. The user also undertakes not to use its contents for illegal purposes.
Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
Users are informed that the law applicable to this website and its contents is Luxembourg law. Only Luxembourg courts have jurisdiction in disputes relating to the access, use and contents of the website cali-europe.com.