Our solutions - France

CALI Europe offers life insurance and capitalisation policies specially designed for French tax residents and, in some cases, French citizens residing in European Economic Area countries. You have the ability to choose a custom-made investment strategy tailored to your personal situation and suited to your investor profile.
Solution for non-French residents
Policy features:
Policy stakeholders:
Insured party(ies): 1 or 2 natural person(s). Depending on the specific policy, the policyholder may also be the insured party for the policy.
Beneficiary(ies) in the event of death
Duration: Whole-of-life
Applicable tax regime: Dependent on the country of residence of the policyholder or beneficiary (as applicable)
Initial payment: €500,000 minimum
Investment options:
Vehicles expressed in currencies: Euro2 Fund and US-Dollar Fund
Unit-linked funds: dedicated internal funds, specialised insurance fund, collective internal funds and external funds
Guarantees in the event of death: Optional
Policy features:
Policy stakeholders: Policyholder: 1 or 2 natural person(s) or 1 legal entity
Duration: 20 years, tacit renewal from year to year
Applicable tax regime: Tax regime of the country of residence for a policyholder who is a natural person, or of the country of the headquarters for a policyholder who is a legal entity
Initial payment: €500,000 minimum
Investment options:
Vehicles expressed in currencies: Euro-2 Fund and US-Dollar Fund
Unit-linked vehicles: dedicated internal funds, specialised insurance fund, collective internal funds and external funds
Average rate of profit-sharing and average guaranteed return
Average rate of profit-sharing and average guaranteed return
Report on the application of Articles L. 132-9-2 and L. 132-9-3 of the French Insurance Code of CALI Europe Succursale France
To download the report, click here
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