Conflicts of interest policy

CALI Europe puts its customers’ trust and satisfaction at the heart of its actions. It would like each actor involved in this relationship to bear in mind the importance of the customer’s interest in each of its actions, including when carrying out a support function for the Group.
The purpose of CALI Europe’s Policy to prevent and manage conflicts of interest is to prevent or, at the very least, reduce potential or actual conflicts of interest which could result as part of the sale and management of insurance services offered by CALI Europe.
This Policy applies to all policies sold by the Company. The rules for preventing and managing conflicts of interest apply to:
- CALI Europe’s staff and managers as well as its branches;
- relationships with its partners and other entities of the Group when carrying out insurance distribution activities;
- customers and potential customers.
CALI Europe defines a conflict of interest as being a situation in which the interests between two or more natural or legal persons conflict or diverge, either directly or indirectly. An interest is the source of any kind of tangible, intangible, professional, commercial, financial or personal advantage.
The Company is committed to implementing the best strategy to effectively prevent such conflicts of interest and as a result prioritises a set of preventive measures. Corrective measures must be a last resort.
To prevent conflicts of interest, the Company puts in place:
- regular training available to all its employees;
- a comitology and appropriate policies including the issues of conflicts of interest;
- a conflicts of interest register that records potential situations or those observed. It is updated at least once a year.
In addition, CALI Europe makes every effort to put an end to any conflicts of interest identified at any level whatsoever. However, when the risk of harming the customer’s interests cannot be prevented, despite the policies and measures put in place to manage conflicts of interest, CALI Europe must inform the customer and distributor that a conflict exists which may harm the customer’s interests.
Informing the customer is a measure that must be used as a last resort. Where there is an actual conflict of interest, arbitration will be used at various levels depending on the persons involved or the complexity of the conflict of interest in order to quickly find an appropriate solution and prevent any harm to the customer’s interests.
To download the document, click here.